This is now!

This is my not-so-daily catharsis.

Month: September, 2009

Got to See!

Spot it!

Dear Invisible Readers!

Here’s a new link:




I hope you have a big break to see his page, ‘cuz he really got some amazing stuff, i love his photographic work.

Just Clik on it!

Just Kiss Him!

Think Again


Is not what you are supposed to see, it’s what you may feel trying to see it.

It is not the thing itself, it’s the whole process of execution and the intrigue of desesperation at the edge of uncertainty.

It’s not just the pencil and paper on the wall, it’s the agressiveness of a changing tantrum of lights manipulated by the whim of spectator.

It’s the light that blinds you after passing thru a tunnel wrapped in shadows.


Think Again.

Read the rest of this entry »


when i grow up i wanna be like her,

I definetly got my Audrey Hepburn Complex

This is why i love her…

Read the rest of this entry »


This is the wrong place to be




Como en aquel recurrente sueño pesadillezco de la infancia, siempre estando al borde de la verdad, de la mentira, en el fin del mundo… Asì es como nos damos cuenta de todo lo demàs y tomamos conciencia del mundo. Se nos derrite el pensamiento y se funde con el instinto.

El vèrtigo nos mata de miedo.

El miedo nos hace concientes del caos.

El caos nos hace sentir que seguimos vivos.

Ya no estamos viviendo un sueño.

Se puede leer la contradicciòn entre las lineas.


On The Ride

On The Ride

“Somos las sobras de la semana en el recalentado del viernes del arte.”
