Chaos might save our numb souls

Tyler Durden in all his odd craziness and charmant sociopathy might have figured something out: We’ve been doomed to boredom, coziness, a lazy status quo and a numb state of mind. We have all figured out now, we’re improving what’s already improved, we’re trying to change the world by details now, but there’s no more statement of freedom, nothing to fight for, no ideals, nothing to built really, ‘cuz right now it is all already built. We’re doomed to technology and progress. Thinking all over the psycho philosophy of the Fight Club and Project Mayhem, they might have come to become existentialist tought motherfuckers, they were free because the weren’t obsessed about possessions. They didn’t own a thing and they were happy, because they weren’t afraid to lose what they didn’t have, almost. There you go, Sartre was right again, “Hell is other people” the others who we’re competing with all the time, who makes us wanna go bigger, louder, greater. And thus, we obsess about success and start getting numb when we have it all, because obsession is FEAR. So, why fight? why be better? if we’re comfortable being who we are, doing what we do.

Wars are beneficial on many levels. They avoid overpopulation and gives us a sense of survival and identity, we know we fight first to survive, then for our honour. However, again, Mr. Durden was utterly right “We’re history’s middle child” we’ve done nothing worth remembering as a society, instead of being thinkers, men of action, we’ve grown as this comfortable technologic parasites.

So, chaos might save our shitty, useless, non-worthy asses. Picture this (as Mr. Durden had pictured the beginning at the end of his chaos): No credit companies, you own nothing, you owe nothing. Back to start from scratch, to basics, to tame our most basic needs this time, maybe, with a different focus, to point to a different aim, maybe all those looneys with the enlightment might be right. Who knows. Who cares.

Thing is, today we’re on the wrong path, once again, we might need to create chaos (without forgetting mistakes and history) to re-built something we don’t know if might work. But still, it’s fun being part of the process. We need chaos now. Or a zombie apocalipse. Or anything that takes us out of our comfort zone.